Thursday, February 7, 2008

Which Five?

Help! Help! There has been an atomic bomb on the world! There are only five occupations left on earth! Which ones would you pick? That was our blog assignment. Boy, I didn't think that it would be this hard to decide, but I did it! The five occupations that would be left on earth would be these. We need a scholar because we need someone who can teach us the Bible and teach us about history, science, math and English at the same time. All the civilizations used scholars to write important documents and laws. This we need to become re-civilized.
We need a doctor because we're going to have to have someone to give a flu shot and other medicines, aren't we? We also need a carpenter to teach us how to rebuild. If we are to make houses to live in, we need him. The ancient Greeks used the carpenters to put their culture into their sculptures and buildings. We need a blacksmith to make us tools and pottery. This is also important to live. The Egyptians used these, also, to make ceremonial helmets, rings and silverware. If we were in ancient Egypt, we would call it “gold – ware”. Lastly, we need a farmer. If we didn't have this guy, we would die of starvation in a week. The farmers were used everywhere in history. They were used to cultivate the land and use it for whatever they could grow. They, in my opinion, were the most essential in the growing civilizations.


sandra said...

good selection as far as I can see..

Anonymous said...

Good post but as for the blacksmith's occupation, they don't make pottery. They can, as you said, have more than one talent, such as pottery.